Wellness is a choice, take charge of your health

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Losing Weight

So, let's say you stepped on the bathroom scale this morning and you realized your weight had creeped up to a number you really weren't comfortable seeing. Your clothes are too tight, you're feeling sluggish and you're afraid your health might suffer, so it's time to lose weight.

Dieting to lose weight isn't fun and there aren't any short cuts. It can be tedious, progress is slow and you might feel deprived without your favorite high-calorie goodies to get you through another day. And most people who try to lose weight either don't lose any, or lose some weight and gain it all back later. Sounds depressing, doesn't it?
But all hope is not lost. In order to lose weight successfully, you need to have a plan.
You already know your weight (or if you don't – go hop on a scale).  How much weight should you lose? That really varies from person to person, but you can aim for about 10% of your current weight to start. Once a week, get back on the scale and recalculate your BMI so you can keep track of your progress. If you have any health concerns, you should speak to your doctor before starting a weight loss program.
Now, to lose weight you need to eat less or move around more. Better yet, do both. Exercise will help you lose weight and improve your health. You don't need to do anything fancy, just getting out for an hour of walking five days each week will help you trim those extra pounds. However some people prefer the intensity of weight training or like to schedule exercise classes at a health club. Just choose what works to